Planners and Procrastinators - this one’s for You - Just F***ing Do It

Photo by Dylan Alcock on Unsplash

Time to stop planning and start doing; make decisions and take action to get the life you really want in 2020.

How many times have you decided to get fit? There are only so many schedules you can write, so much training gear you can buy and so many people you can tell about your intentions but the bottom line is, if you just actually put your trainers on and ran around the block, it would be a better start than all the planning.

So, whatever change you are making, this is a guide for all you procrastinators who want but don’t do.

How to follow through a decision

Now that 2019 is coming to a close and another decade is about to start, this is a good time to go back to the decisions that you wanted to make — but because of may reasons and circumstances — you were not able to follow through with them.

What is that one thing that is foremost on your mind and you’ve been wanting to do? What are those things you wanted to act on but did not have the willpower to commit to an action that would see that moment of decision?

Below are some steps that I use with my clients that you can follow so that you can be a decisive person of action and live without regrets or procrastination.

It will take time, just like any change, and require a lot of tenacity but if you follow these steps, then it will become a habit and help you push through, even in times of seeming weakness.

1st — Definition
What is it that you really want to do or happen? You have to define this goal. Can you see it clearly? Make sure that your goal is not vague — that you can envision yourself achieving it.

2nd — Options
After you’ve clearly defined your goal, thresh out all the possible ways to get to it. Don’t limit yourself, there might be some creative ways to get to the goal. A lot of times, people give up working on their goals because they get bored. It would be nice to find a creative way to keep you going.

3rd — Choice
Now, out of all the options you’ve created, pick one. That one option that you are willing to follow through, day in and day out. Now, take action; whatever it is, arrange the meeting, book the appointment, schedule the time. Feel great about yourself! Scream at the top of your lungs, clap your hands, make a stupid face, play loud music and dance like a maniac. Then, pause, reflect on the action you took and how great you felt about it. This is now your action changing state FOREVER!

4th — Accountability
If it is a goal where you will need to stick to the decision you took, get a group of people you trust to keep you accountable about this goal. Let these people be your cheerleaders and at the same time, your steerers — in case you get lost or demotivated along the way. Don’t let people put you off. Sometimes, there can be jealousy between those who can and those who can’t. But, be clear on your path and stick to it!

5th — Strategy
Now that you have made the decision to increase your salary, find a second income, get fit, give up smoking, come off social media, create daily steps towards your goal. It has to be consistently done over a set period of time. Create the habit. It doesn’t have to be done at one time. It is best to do the disciplines daily so that you’d get used to it and you’d learn to value what you get in the end.

6th — You’ve done it!
Reflect after each day. Look at the changes you have achieved. Feel proud of what you achieved; and Welcome a GROWTH mindset. This is only the beginning.




Customers and Cashflow with Rob Williams

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