Mineral Rich Thinking: How to tell your Toxins from your Elixirs!

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

What are you feeding your mind with? If you have limiting beliefs and find that you aren’t making progress, ask yourself: How much time you are wasting?

My coach used to tell me that I am not my “thoughts and feelings”.

Meditate. Be present. Don’t acknowledge limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that make you slow down or question yourself!

If you cannot do this, your thought patterns will define you. What you think, YOU BECOME.

This is why my coach would keep saying, “Take care of your thoughts. You bring them into a room and everyone feels it.”

And that is true. Ever think about those people who, when you see them, you just want to talk and engage with them and they leave you refreshed and buzzing after? Call it their aura; but then, there are those people that you avoid like the plague — because they can suck the life out of you and leave you feeling drained after you talk to them.

The difference between these two kinds of people are how they think… their mindsets. One doesn’t just think positively, but sees the good and the solution for every situation, with a clear understanding of who they are and where they are going. The other sees all that could go wrong and will only present solutions out of fear.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Which of these types are you?

Of course, you’d like to have a mindset that will bring you more success! I am sure even the ones who think negatively do not like it that they think like that; it’s just that they haven’t had the the lightbulb moment on how to change.

Anyway, what can you do to manage yourself to be driven by the subconscious, NOT THE CONSCIOUS mind, so that you will succeed in all areas of your life?

Here are a few.

  • Feed the positive, starve the negative. It is a rule of the universe that what you feed will live and what you starve will die. To have a mindset of success, you must train yourself to focus on positive actions that help you achieve success. Feed your mind with information and experiences that help you. Chances are if you are overly obsessed with the news, social media, politics, or watch too much TV, you are not feeding your mind with nourishing material.
  • Have a goal and a direction, see a better future, write it down, visualize it. Focus on the things YOU need to do to get there and keep a check on the actions you are taking. Set standards for yourself and don’t compare yourself with others. It is highly important that you surround yourself with positive people and influences that back up, support and encourage you to do this.
  • Always learning. This is what will keep you growing. When you are curious and have the mindset that you can always learn from anything and anyone to help you achieve your goals, you are guaranteed to go a long way. Nothing will discourage you and faze you. Why? Because every challenge or trouble you encounter along the way becomes a learning experience for you and adds to the stars on your army suit. They will not be considered failures, they will be added value in your journey. You must be grateful for this.
  • Take the risks, live life without fear. When you do something out of your comfort zone, it liberates you from the boundaries you have set. It shows you are growing. It also frees your mind and expands your creativity. Start off by changing your routines; visualize positive outcomes.
  • Be grateful. When you are thankful and appreciative, it opens up your thought patterns to see the positive in situations. It also allows you to learn from the successes of others because you will not see them as comparisons but as inspirations to your own journey. Take time to be present. Use your senses to ground yourself into what you are doing in a given moment.
  • Keep your health in check. It does matter. When you feel good in your physical body, it gives you energy to do the things you need to do, it makes you feel stronger and better about yourself as well as giving you the powers of resilience and persistence.

When you focus on this change you will move mountains, my friend.




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